$300,000 Motor Vehicle Accident/Underinsured Motorist Claim

Date: Summer 2019
Attorney: John E. Molinari, Esq.
Settlement: $300,000.00 total recovery
Practice Area: Motor Vehicle Accident/Underinsured Motorist Claim

John E. Molinari represented an 18 year old woman passenger in a minivan that was struck in the rear and propelled into the rear of a third vehicle. Plaintiff’s injuries included a lumbar disc bulge at L5-S1 and lumbar facet syndrome requiring physical therapy, pain management and a number of procedures including steroid injections, medial branch blocks, dorsal ramus block, and a radiofrequency neurolysis. Plaintiff also claimed that she suffered a sacrococcygeal fracture at the time of the accident in 2006 that required a sacral coccygectomy that was not performed until 2016. Based upon the surgery being ten years later, the defense argued that the coccyx injury and surgery were not casually related to the subject accident.

Plaintiff’s underlying liability case settled for $100,000.00. Following the 2016 surgery, John was referred the underinsured motorist claim and retained medical experts relating the surgery to the subject crash. Plaintiff and defendant agreed to proceed to mediation at which time the case settled for an additional $200,000.00.