Did Your Newborn Suffer Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy?

In the event that a complication arises or treatment of a neonate (a newborn less than four weeks old) is required after childbirth, doctors, nurses, and midwives are expected to timely respond appropriately, administering medical treatment within the standards of care accepted by the medical community. Prior to the diagnosis of any conditions, timely and appropriate monitoring of a fragile and vulnerable newborn is required.

One dangerous condition potentially suffered by neonates is a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) which could result in brain damage, also known as neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (NHIE).

NHIE has a high mortality rate, and those that do survive may develop long-term neurologic complications manifested by conditions such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and developmental delays.

NHIE or other forms of oxygen deprivation after birth can occur due to a number of reasons.  However, when treatable conditions are not timely addressed, and it results in hypoxic insult to a neonate causing permanent injury, there may be reason to pursue a claim for medical malpractice.

Common types of medical malpractice that can cause respiratory distress and a lack of oxygen in neonates include:

  • Inadequate monitoring in the nursery or NICU.
  • Failure to timely and/or properly treat infection, jaundice and other conditions.
  • Failure to properly address respiratory and other conditions including cardiac abnormalities and other organ failure.

If you believe that your child was harmed by a negligent medical professional, you deserve answers and the opportunity to protect your rights.  To learn about your legal options, contact the New Jersey birth injury lawyers at Blume Forte Fried Zerres & Molinari. Call 973-845-4421 or use the Chat Option on our website to speak to a representative right away.

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