Google Looking for New Technology to Help Detect Cancer

Google is currently working on technology that will be able to diagnose cancers and impending heart attacks without invasive blood tests. If successful, the new technology will be able to detect a number of diseases at an earlier stage than is currently possible. According to a recent BBC news report, Google is developing disease-detecting nanoparticles that would enter the bloodstream and report findings or otherwise communicate with a wrist-worn sensor. A patient undergoing this diagnostic testing would have to do is swallow a capsule containing the nanoparticles and wear the sensor. The development of this technology is only in the early stages, but it could have a significant impact on early diagnosis and detection of various diseases, including cancers.

Though it may sound like science fiction, this type of technology, or at least the theories behind it are both interesting and exciting.

It has long been recognized as a general premise in the medical community, that early detection and timely appropriate treatment of cancers and other diseases profoundly impact a patient’s prognosis or chances of survival and/or full recovery. Any method of early cancer detection significantly increases chances of survivability.

According to the BBC report, the Google research seeks to develop a method whereby consistent, or more frequent monitoring of blood for traces of cancer, would result in a patient knowing they may have a developing cancer before any physical symptoms manifest themselves.

Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have such sophisticated technology as described above. However, many cancers are still diagnosable prior to the appearance of symptoms. Diagnostic studies timely performed (especially for high-risk patients) and interpreted properly, even in the absence of symptoms, may alert healthcare providers and patients of the presence of developing, early and other stage cancers, as well as conditions which are understood to be precursors to cancer. These diagnostic studies may include but are not limited to: chest x-rays, mammograms, colonoscopies, endoscopies and various blood tests, etc.

The standards of medical care make it the responsibility of medical professionals to determine which testing is appropriate for each patient in light of their medical and familial histories; and that such testing is performed in a timely manner. A failure to do so may equate to medical malpractice, and could result in a delayed diagnosis, worsening the patient’s prognosis, and causing a need for more extensive treatment.

If you believe you have been the victim of cancer misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, you and your family may be entitled to compensation for various damages. Contact a knowledgeable New Jersey medical malpractice lawyer at Blume Forte to discuss your options and protect your rights.

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