Frederick D Miceli Esquire Of Counsel to Blume Forte Fried Zerres and Molinari P.C. is the recipient of the 2025 Bernard A. Kuttner Pro Bono Service award. Mr. Miceli is the chair of the Essex County Civil Bench and Bar committee and has served on that committee in a leadership role for over 30 years. He is the Founder and former Chair of the Essex County Bar Foundation Memorial Committee. He is the principal organizer of the Essex County Settlement Panels and has served as a Panelist since its inception. He is also the organizer of the Panelists who participate in the Essex County Vicinage Settlement Days which have been extraordinarily successful. He also serves as a member of the Essex County Arbitration Committee and is a former member of the Supreme Court Arbitration Advisory Committee and still serves as an instructor for the initial training of Arbitrators in New Jersey and also for the retraining of arbitrators in Essex County. A certified civil trial attorney since 1989, he has been appointed by the Court in over significant 200 matters as a Guardian Ad Litem.